Open orders by telefax +387 51 230 836
Please, when opening an order via fax, respect the following procedure:
- You shall conclude the annex to the Contract on Brokerage with the Eurobroker which defines the right to open an order by e-mail pursuant to the Eurobroker Rules and Internal Instructions;
- You shall submit in writing the fax numbers from which orders are to be sent to the Eurobroker;
- All preparatory actions (all that is necessary to make a decision on all elements of the order) shall be completed before the beginning of the procedure for opening the order;
- You must submit elements of the order on the prescribed form as an attachment. Any other way is unacceptable;
- If you give inaccurate, illogical, incomplete or inaccurate elements in the form, you shall expect the broker to explicitly request to repeat the procedure in order to get the proper receipt and execution of orders in your best interests;
- You can send multiple forms at the same time;
- If you want to interrupt the opening of the order for any reason or if you do not want to open the account by the given elements after sending the form to the Eurobroker, you should immediately contact the broker and announce your decision, after which you will receive instructions on the following steps;
Upon the receipt of orders by fax, the Eurobroker's employee shall check the conditions for receiving orders and they are received and entered into BST if all the prescribed conditions of the order are met. The number of orders from the order book is always linked to the archived electronic record form in the electronic fax management system at the Eurobroker.
If the employee verifies that an open order does not meet all the conditions for admission, the order shall be rejected, and the client shall be informed by telephone or by fax from which the form with the elements of the order was received.
The Eurobroker shall keep electronic records of forms for five years from the day of the order opening.
EUROBROKER a.d. Banja Luka