
Open account

1. Application
Personal information

User authentication is necessary in order to determine that you are the person delivering verification data and documents about the identity and permanent address. Since we are legally obliged to perform the identification and authenticity of the documents, you will have to submit a high-resolution photo, at the bottom of this form, in which you are holding your identification document next to your face. It is necessary that your face and your document are in focus and that your image is on the document itself, with your name and surname clearly visible and legible. We ask that your face and document fill the whole picture so that the picture is as detailed as possible. The best way is to ask someone to take a photo of you from a distance that allows the right picture quality. Focus the camera on a document so that the data on the document is clearly visible. Before sending an image, please check the photo so that the image is clear and clean and that the data on the document can be clearly read.


Please fill in all the required fields related to your permanent address. To verificate entered data, it is necessary to attach a document in color at the bottom of the form confirming the given address. The document should be in the form of a photo or a scanned document. The image of the document must be in high and clear resolution, with your first and last name and permanent address clearly visible and legible. The picture must show clearly the entire document without missing edges and without any detail or drawbacks that undermine legibility.

Submit any of the following documents as an attachment:

- Documents or statements issued by state bodies confirming permanent address (not older than 6 months);
- Valid document on the ownership or renting of a house or apartment (notarised);
- Bank statement, report on credit or debit card or signed letter from the bank (not older than 6 months);
- Telephone, internet or utility services bill with your name and address indicated (not older than 6 months);
- An insurance company's account or policy (not older than 12 months);
- Personal document with your name and address (if the document is already submitted for verification of personal data then it is not possible to use this document here again)

Documents that do not show clearly entered information, documents that are subsequently modified, rewritten or retouched will be rejected in the verification process.

Bank account


Broker - dealer company "Eurobroker"a.d. Banja Luka

Street : Kralja Alfonsa XIII 26, Banja Luka

Email : office@eurobroker.ba

Phone : +387 51 230 820

Viber : +387 66 770 077

Skype : eurobroker2001

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