
Our services

Block oders (OTC)

Block oders (OTC)

Besides those usual purchase and sale transactions, you may use the EUROBROKER to make the so-called block transactions, the transactions over BAM500,000.00. The specificity of block transactions includes as follows:

  • The minimum value of one purchase and sale transaction is BAM 500,000.00;
  • The transaction value must be at least BAM 500,000.00 pursuant to the latest official unique exchange rate published at the Banja Luka Stock Exchange and the block order rate;
  • Those persons participating in the block transaction must mutually conclude a sales contract on the shares prior to the registration of the transaction at the Banja Luka Stock Exchange;
  • The block transaction is registered at the Banja Luka Stock Exchange, but the price under which this transaction is to be registered does not affect the rules on the price definition at the Banja Luka Stock Exchange;
  • Third persons may not buy the securities from the block transaction nor influence the price under which it is to be concluded;
  • The share ownership transfer takes place in the Central Registry of Securities after the broker submits all the necessary documentation on the completed block transaction.

The EUROBROKER offers a full service to its clients regarding the sales contract drafting, the trade registration at the Banja Luka Stock Exchange and the preparation of share ownership transfer in the Central Registry of Securities.


Broker - dealer company "Eurobroker"a.d. Banja Luka

Street : Kralja Alfonsa XIII 26, Banja Luka

Email : office@eurobroker.ba

Phone : +387 51 230 820

Viber : +387 66 770 077

Skype : eurobroker2001

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