Tanja Đukić, Broker
Phone: +387 51 230 823
E-mail: tanja.djukic[a]eurobroker.ba
Responsible for receiving, controlling and executing orders pursuant to the rules of stock exchange brokers, processing orders, monitoring and analyzing issuers of and trading with securities, communicating with the clients and performing other tasks.
Tanja Đukić was born in Banja Luka in 1993. She graduated from the Secondary School of Economics in Banja Luka in 2012, and at the department of Business Economy at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Banja Luka in 2016, being awarded the title of Bachelor of Economics.
She has been awarded with a certificate on passing a professional exam to obtain the title of Broker by the Commission for Securities of the Republic of Srpska and has obtained a license for the title of Broker No. 05-03-160/17, which is valid from 12th July 2023 to 12th July 2025.
She has been working for Eurobroker since June 2017.
Active usage of English, passive usage of Russian and German.